

The components are .jinja files with snippets of template code. They look like a fragment of a regular Jinja template – and they could be – except for the optional special comments at the beginning of the file.

Component anatomy

Component Arguments

More often than not, a component takes one or more arguments to render. Every argument must be declared at the beginning of the component with {#def arguments #}. The syntax is very similar to how you declare the arguments of a python function:

{#def action, method='post', multipart=False #}

<form method="{{ method }}" action="{{ action }}"
  {%- if multipart %} enctype="multipart/form-data"{% endif %}
  {{ content }}

In this example, the component takes three arguments: "action", "method", and "multipart". The last two have a default value, so they are optional, but the first one doesn't. That means it must be passed a value when rendering the component.

So all of these are valid forms to use this component:

<Form action="/new"> ... </Form>
<Form action="/new" method="PATCH"> ... </Form>
<Form multipart={False} action="/new"> ... </Form>

The values of the declared arguments can be used in the template as values with the same name.

Components with content

There is actually always an extra implicit argument: the content inside the component. This could be anything: text, HTML, and/or other components; but the component recieves it already rendered to a string.

{# Component with content #}
<Name _arguments_ > ...content here... </Name>

{# Self-closing component, `content` is an empty string #}
<Name _arguments_ />

A great use case of the content is to make layout components:

{#def posts #}

<Layout title="Archive">
  {% for post in posts %}
    <Post post={post} />
  {% endfor %}
{#def title #}

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>{{ title }}</title>
  {{ content }}

Everything between the open and close tags of the components will be rendered and passed to the Layout component as a implicit, content variable.

To test a component in isolation, you can also manually send a content argument using the special __content argument:

catalog.render("PageLayout", title="Hello world", __content="TEST")

Extra arguments

If you pass arguments not declared in a component, those are not discarded, but rather collected in a attrs object. Read more about it in the next section.